
CO2e Carbon Credit

CO2s carbon credits are represented 1:1 as a non-fungible token on the Polygon blockchain.

GreenTrade Contract:

Each NFT comes with attached metadata in order to prove identity, verification, and ownership.

name description royalty origin provider supplier certificateType certificateStatus certificateIssued token Issuer industry continent country vintage amount serialBatchStart serialBatchEnd serialNumber certification classification impactList environmentalImpact socialImpact economicImpact availability retiredBy

CO2e Future Carbon Credit Access

Each NFT represents access to a pre-defined amount of CO2e carbon credits that are being issed and distributed to the NFT holder, once the offsetting projects went live and is validated. At all times, the NFT can be traded on our marketplace and is continuously allowing access to the project's carbon credits distribution over a certain amount of time.

Royalties for Project Developers

In order to let project developers benefit from active trades, the protocol is designed to cut a % share of each transaction and transfer is directly to the project developers wallet. In this way, the financial opportunity we're opening for traders does benefit our mission with additional impact.

Last updated