
Our mission is to realize the additional supply of 1 billion tonnes of carbon credits by 2030.

We're supporting developers to realise new offsetting projects, while empowering companies to fulfill their net zero commitments.

GreenTrade two-sided marketplace

  • Connect project developers directly with buyers

  • Fund new projects through future tokens

  • Trading of tokenized carbon credits

  • Retirement into GreenTrade vaults

  • Process automation via smart contracts

  • Transparency through immutable records

  • Use of global standards and curation

  • Offsetting Dashboard and Reporting API

  • Onboard trusted suppliers

  • Integrate 3rd party validation and management services

  • Tracking of project development

  • Access & liquidity by fractionalizing assets

Get projects funded faster

Offering easy access to long-term offtake agreements, GreenTrade makes convenient and competitive capital solutions available for both new and existing projects.

Trading royalties for project developers

Earn GreenTrade NFT royalties: Every time your Carbon Credit is traded on a marketplace, you earn a commission. Payments are perpetual and are automatically executed by smart contracts.

Increasing sales and liquidity

Accessing new distribution channels: By turning your carbon credits into tokens, they become useable within the crypto eco-system (for instance for trading, carbon neutral digital products, collateral for stable coins etc.).

Last updated